

Nanjing Naokang Psychological Counseling Center is an authoritative and professional psychological counseling service institution in China. It is also the pioneer and benchmark of China's psychological counseling industry. A large number of senior national-level professional psychological counselors have been brought together to carry out various professional psychological counseling and mental health services. Nanjing Naokang Psychological Consultation Center has become a preferred psychological consultation institution for many visitors by virtue of its perfect service process, safe confidentiality mechanism, mature consultation concept, warm consultation environment and professional psychological consultation methods, a large number of successful cases and rich experience accumulation.

南京脑康心理咨询中心汇集了众多知名心理咨询师,不仅拥有心理学专业背景,同时持有国家注册心理咨询师证书,在失眠、抑郁症、焦虑症、强迫症等各种疑难心理病症方面有着丰富的成功个案经验,多年来一直保持着极好的口碑。 Nanjing Naokang Psychological Consultation Center has a large number of well-known psychological consultants, not only with a professional background in psychology, but also with a national registered psychological consultant certificate. It has rich successful case experience in depression, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other difficult psychological disorders, and has maintained an excellent reputation for many years.l

  • 北京心理咨询师资格认证培训师 CCTV-10《走近科学》心理顾问 中国心理培训网特聘心理顾问 河北省心理卫生协会理事


  • 南京脑康中医院心理科主任 原河北大学医学院院长 中国精神卫生学会河北分会理事 美国宾夕法尼亚大学高级访问学者


  • 上海第二医科大学附属瑞金医院心理教授 瑞金医院青少年心理咨询中心主任 南京脑康心理咨询中心主任 “心灵种树”心理干预体系创始者


  • 国家二级心理咨询师 国际高级心理咨询师 近40年心理咨询从业经验


  • 国家二级心理咨询师 近40年心理咨询从业经验


  • 南京脑康心理咨询中心 资深心理咨询师 近40年心理咨询从业经验


  • 南京脑康中医院心理咨询师 毕业于皖南医学院心理学系 师从著名心理学教授刘新民


    南京脑康心理咨询中心引进国内外先进的心理测评,通过心理电脑测评,给人的能力,人格及心理健康等心理特征和行为确定出一种数量化的价值,为心理疏导提供可靠依据。Nanjing Naokang Psychological Counseling Center has introduced advanced psychological assessment at home and abroad. Through psychological computer assessment, a quantitative value of psychological characteristics and behaviors such as human ability, personality and mental health has been determined, which provides a reliable basis for psychological counseling.

    • 许丽霞把电影作为工具,用本体心理学的观点对其分析,分析它在观众中所引起的情绪反应和情感投入,便能够真正地对人的生存起到干预的作用,以达到心理治疗和人格确认的目的。

    • 在金武官的“心灵种树”课堂,学生和家长同堂听课。感统训练帮助学生在听课中渐进提高注意力。随着对世界认知的深入,家长和孩子情操心灵都得到了成长。

    • 季锡祥受邀参加“心理创伤治疗眼动脱敏与再加工第三届亚洲会议”,并在大会上分享心理障碍疏导经验。

    • 王华英在“第23届心身医学分会全国年会暨江苏省医学会心身与行为医学分会年会”上做专题演讲。

    • 以“脑康心理 健康未来”为主题的脑康国际精准医疗健康共享论坛在北京召开,季锡祥与业内权威专家共享此次盛会。
